just some stuff.

November 2, 2009

so ok, i was a bit more into halloween this year. mira didn't really want to dress up, so i was enlisted to make her a princess skirt. it was initially intimidating to mess with the tulle, but it ultimately turned out pretty cute all because of this no-sew tutorial. and i made a little skeleton patterned skirt to go under the tulle one to prevent itching. and it all seemed to be a hit!
trick-or-treat-ing was fun though it was rainy and cold.. but maybe that just added to the spookiness of the holiday. watching the orphan was good too, although i have to say, i wasn't as creeped out as i expected to be. in other crafty stuff, i saw this really cool wreath and made a mini version to see if it would turn out. it's not perfect, but i think it's gonna work for a few gifts.
i've been wanting something productive to do while on the couch, so i learned (for the third time, oops!) how to knit thanks to cheryl. it's turning out pretty nice so far and should be ready just in time for the cold weather. (bella enjoys her couch time too!)
in other news, i've been in here all day. i'm exhausted with a worsening scratchy throat but not quite miserable (yet?). here's to hoping it's just a 24-hour gross bug.
sweetest dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Aaah...sweet dreams. I hope you feel better, my craft queen! :D I'm so proud of you.


thanks so much for stopping by!